Monday, June 15, 2009

Thing # 2

I am amazed at all the endless possibilities that the Web 2.0 can create in classrooms. I know my students and own children are more aware of current technologies than I am. These new technologies create a classroom environment that promotes critical thinking, problem solving, idea sharing, parent and community participation. What a great way for teachers and parents to communicate and keep up to date. It allows the classroom to be part of a global community where students, teachers, parents and community leaders can teach, mentor, solve problems, express and share ideas. This would be a great way to keep students engaged in learning and think out of the box.


  1. You might also be able to use some of these tools in your new job next year. Just as you said, there are great communication tools for everyone to use, and you might inspire others on your campus to learn something new as well!

  2. Twilight Mom, you are so right! I was blown away by the endless possibilities that blogging and other collaborative tools could add to any learning situation, whether it be in the classroom or in the workplace, etc. Your thoughts really struck home for me.

  3. The more I read about all this, the more excited I am about the possibilities. It seems that the only thing holding us back is us.
